The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) is now extended for 10 more years with 4 countries removed from the eligibility list. Experts championing AGOA since its inception agree for the need to update and strengthen its implementation in the face of the increasingly changing world. A significant number of experts have said that the implemented AGOA program favored Africans while some economists maintain that it favored America more. This group of experts justified their perspective by emphasizing that African countries must question whether they have analyzed their pact in this agreement in terms of their exportation regulations.
Amidst these differences of opinion, the upcoming Achebe Day conversation might be a good time to consider the outcome of the AGOA discussion during the 2023 Achebe Day segment of this festival in which we concluded that there were far too many African communities without the knowledge of this act. Perhaps further dialog on how this Trade and investment tool will truly benefit rural communities, especially for the local trader in those African countries dealing with economic issues will bring create more awareness, particularly at the grassroots level.
This exhibition reinforces the saying that “A person is the product of his/her community” Prof. Chinua Achebe’s legacy represents that of our parents/community/school/ethnicity of extraction. We want to know those communities that played a role in shaping his legacy, some of whose stories aer yet to be heard.